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Compassionate Mental Health 2 day conference – Turning towards Clarity

25 March 2020

Turning towards Clarity‘ is a two day experiential event designed to inspire and catalyse change for people living and working with mental distress. The event is for anyone curious about a fresh approach, including people and families with personal experience of mental distress, front-line staff, commissioners, managers, clinicians, GPs, policymakers and Third Sector staff.

Compassionate Mental Health is part of a growing worldwide movement calling for a more integrative approach to mental health – one that relies less on diagnosis and prescription drugs, and more on empowering the person and engaging their social networks. At the heart of the project is a belief that it is possible to begin to heal oneself and others through the power of community, connection, self care and solidarity.

The conference speakers and facilitators will explore a range of approaches that will be of interest to anyone wanting to transform mental health care, and create safe, healing services in a variety of settings. Approaches will include a rights and recovery approach, Open Dialogue, mindfulness and the importance of community and connection. 

There’s an exciting mix of plenary sessions and workshops, with plenty of opportunities for participation, reflection and connection – including a Wild and Well Feast on Wednesday night.   

Each gathering is held in a space that is therapeutic in its own way. Our venue this time is set in a beautiful five acre site of secluded grounds and woodland in the countryside just outside Cardiff, 10 minutes from the M4 and 40 mins from Cardiff Airport. 

Find out more and book your place


25 March 2020